Puzzles Reloaded is an iOS implementation of the Simon Tatham Portable Puzzle Collection. In addition to the 40 games in the main collection, an additional 10 have been added from a set of new puzzles by x-sheep


Image of the puzzles app homepage, in tile view and showing sorted favorites Image showing the name 'net' in progress Image showing the settings screen of the puzzles app

Code & License

All code for this app is MIT-Licensed and can be found on Github: Puzzles Reloaded Code

Privacy Policy

A separate page outling everything can be found here: Privacy Policy

Special Thanks

  • Simon Tatham for an awful lot more than just the puzzles compiled here
  • ghewgill for the first version of the puzzle collection for iOS, from which this app is heavily influenced
  • x-sheep for creating new puzzles for the collection, which have been compiled here.